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 The Heart Conference 2024 


Discover more freedom, more joy, and deeper relationships. 


designed to ignite and nurture the opening of the heart center and the corresponding states of compassion, unconditional love, innate harmony, and profound healing. 


A place to connect with your heart’s intuitive wisdom, guidance, and resource, this is a transformational experience for men and women to immerse in collective, sacred practices and rituals—a place to connect with your heart’s intuitive wisdom and guidance.


Experience an unshakable state of unconditional love and find well-being regardless of any event happening around you.


Discover (or rediscover) The Heart Conference, 2024

October 7th - 19th
Maya Tulum, Mexico




The Heart Initiation is a profound 12½ day retreat to ignite and nurture the opening of the heart center. The conference unlocks the inner landscape by exploring Dreams and Symbols, Archetype and Myth, Meditation, Movement, Music, and Personal and Collective Ritual. You’ll open to the vast resources of the unconscious, awakening access to inner wisdom and guidance.



“After 30 years, I still use the Heart Meditation we learned, it’s essential for me. 

The Heart Meditation has helped build an internal structure. It’s a fantastic tool. This capacity has allowed me to weather tragedy and loss in my life. It’s impossible to imagine ... don’t know what I would have done without it during those times. I’m especially grateful for the Heart Conference. It’s continued to resonate positively through my life.”

Leigh S., GA


A discussion about The Heart Conference, and freedom, with founder Carole Kammen.

The Heart Conference provides valuable tools and insights for fostering emotional connection, empathy, and meaningful relationships, ultimately enhancing well-being and enriching personal interactions. We open a pathway to you and the world, an invitation to live the qualities of the heart, including—


• Compassion

• Calm amid stress

• The healing presence

• Unconditional love



Transmute fear into love.
Discover calm and centeredness amid
chaos and uncertainty.


… But 12 ½ days is so long …

When’s the last time you had the luxury of a deep retreat in an inspirational setting? It takes several days to rest and let go of your day-to-day routine for most people. You’ll have the luxury to let go of your usual roles and be you, not being someone’s employee, spouse, caretaker, etc. The Heart Conference takes place in a relaxing setting where you’ll have ample time to breathe, un-layer, genuinely open, and experience wonder and renewal. Our conference schedule encourages you to stay close to the unconscious, moving from active workshop sessions to time for napping, hiking, using our well-stocked art room, or simply enjoying the company of fellow participants, and then back into session.
… Sounds wonderful, but what will I take back home from this experience? …

When our Heart Center is open, it doesn’t matter what events are occurring in the world or what people are saying or doing: we’re in a state of clear compassion and full resourcefulness. An open heart allows you to open more fully and intimately, from a deeper sense of trust. This Initiation will show you how to:

  • Stay centered and calm, even amid chaos or uncertainty

  • Be fully present in the moment

  • Live more vibrantly and joyously than ever before

  • Be compassionate with yourself and others

  • Access heightened states of wisdom and knowledge

  • Transmute fear into love



TYPICAL DAY AT THE HEART CONFERENCE starts with the delicious experience of waking up in silence, followed by early morning meditation and a group dreamwork session. Then we break for breakfast and time to socialize, journal, walk or enjoy a cup of tea under the spreading shade trees before our morning session. Lunch is followed by a long afternoon break that gives you plenty of time for hiking, napping, reading, dancing, making music, or playing in the art room. Our short session before dinner is for meditation and ritual. Dinner is followed by a short evening session that often includes seeing films. ALL sessions are optional - we ask that you follow what’s moving in and through you.

You move at the speed of light. Pursuing challenges, reaching goals, and living life. It’s a good life. But deep down inside, you sense something elusive. More intimacy. Deeper connection. 



“It's amazing to look back and think of all that I built in life with so much of my heart initiation as a foundation.

All the pieces of wisdom gathered here have combined to be such solid groundwork, part of how I move through life, it's amazing.I could tell you all the things and it would fill volumes. I loved it.Part of what we studied at our Heart Conference was dream work. What a beautiful thing to have insight into the symbols of dreams. Helps me gain perspective on the important things in my life. 

Yaj R., CA


How will my life be different when I leave the conference?

Your Heart Center will be open, and you’ll have tools to keep you in an unshakable state of unconditional love and well-being. You’ll be expansive, connected to larger patterns, and loving with yourself and others. The stress and chaos of life will no longer throw you off balance.
An open heart = better physical health too. Studies have proved that being in a state of appreciation and gratitude improves sleep, builds longevity, and supports heart health.


How will this change my personal and work relationships?

When you shift inside, the outer world begins to change. It’s frustrating trying to change the world, but we CAN change ourselves. Your shift to a higher vibration will resonate with everyone around you, and your world will shift in accord with you. As you understand your motivations and reactions, you’ll have greater patience and compassion for those around you. 


”As a working mom, life centered around caring for everybody else.

The Heart conference was the first time I had an extended break to care for myself. My favorite part was the time spent in silence, having space and time to be with myself. Heart gave me a foundation of compassion, and I gained a new sense of balance and well-being. I have more to offer the world because I have learned to create harmony within.”

Cristina C., MA


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“With a demanding position at a hard-driving company, this experience allowed me time to let go of all that pressure and discover an inner peace I never knew I had.  

At Heart I discovered more authentic self-expression which I carried away with me and applied directly to my professional life. The Heart Center is a source of creativity I come back to again and again, and it always provides reliable inspiration when I am confronted with a challenge or the unknown. That's golden.

Vince T., CA


Openheartedness doesn’t mean weakness. It’s empowering. If we can shift to an open heart in any circumstance, we become more authentic, truthful, and direct, from a place of compassion, transforming relationships.  


For more about The Heart Conference's life-changing impact on thousands of participants, see this interview with founder Carole Kammen by renowned Coach Catherine Danieli.



We all have dreams, but what do they mean?


In ancient times, dreams were seen as a way to communicate with the Divine directly. Anyone could be the Oracle.


At Pathways, we believe dreams are constantly moving us toward wholeness. We can’t always figure out our lives by just thinking about our lives. Carl Jung once said, “Dreams are the window to the soul.” I couldn't agree more. Dreams show us the clearest expression of what’s happening in our psyche — our inner resources, conflicts, and the direction of our life.


Dreams are always pointing the way!


During your Heart Conference, we’ll practice working with dream symbols. We’ll embody and feel them and let them take us into creative expression. I believe bringing this practice to our lives changes us without even thinking about it. Working with dreams and talking about them to one another ignites their energy. Our psyche’s most profound hope is to become whole, individuated, and balanced. This is our incredible journey. 


—Carole Kammen, Founder, Pathways Institute



Listen to this interview with Carole about dreams.

Discover more freedom, more joy, and deeper relationships

For more information contact Debbie Rixon:

All monies paid are non-refundable and non-transferable to future workshops. You will be charged in full for tuition and logistics fees regardless of attendance. Includes all meals and lodging based on multiple occupancy.

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